Tuesday, December 12, 2006


I dislike rude people. Here's the deal. I'm in sales. So I go to a company and do a sales presentation. A very excited guy makes an appointment, shows up and wants to do the premium deal. But, he's got to run it by his wife. So, he asks us to call him and we do. Of course we get the runaround, but we perservere, because, after all, he came to us. He asks me yesterday to call him today, he's going to talk to his wife. I just called him. He says, "Can you call back, we're talking about you right now." Then he hangs up on me. WTF?? Jerkoff.

I'll never call him that to his face... I still want the sale.

Having Another Hate-Fest

This time it's with Rosie O'Donnell. I cannot stand that disgusting fat tub of lard. The day she's taken out of the gene pool will be a great day. She is just a gross waste of space. Looking at her makes my skin crawl. How is she still employed?

Atheism Again

I've been reading what Beth has to say at My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy about atheism, and it was a fantasic post!

I also read the original post from Jeff of The Gay Black Jew and I must say that I think Jeff has issues. This is a guy who's neither gay, black or Jewish, but earned the nickname for always defending them from (I suppose) his friends.

Although I think he's a very sad, unhappy man who is hiding from some ugly truth inside himself, one portion of his comment did strike a chord with me:

If there truly is a god, he’s a total asshole for letting billions of people suffer throughout history due to conflicting beliefs. All-knowing and all-powerful…but for the last 2,006 years he’s been stuck in a Verizon commercial, i.e., “Can you hear me now?” Waiting for his only cellphone (Jesus) to fall from Heaven so that He has someone to talk to who can send all non-Christians to an eternity in hell fire while whisking believers up to a magical fairyland hidden in the sky. Nothing could be more violent, BTW.
Clearly, this line is idiotic, because as we all know, the greatest gift God gave to humankind is FREE WILL. Humankind is the source of the suffering. However, the reason this struck a chord with me is because it brought up a question that I have always wondered about. In the main, I'm at a loss to understand why God allows people to be born with debilitating illnesses. I understand the evil that humankind perpetrates upon one another which ends in physical death. I also understand the ravages of disease which can permeate a society and end in physical death. I even understand that a death resulting from an "accident" is due to God's greater plan. What I don't get is the debilitating illnesses such as MS, Parkinson's, etc, that people are usually born with and must suffer with throughout their lives. My faith tells me that it is part of the greater purpose, but I do struggle with that aspect.
I wish Beth a very Blessed Christmas and I pray that God may make his countenance to shine upon Jeff and lead him to the Light.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Having a Hate-Fest with Cindy

I know hate is a strong word, but this old cow really makes my blood boil. I'm beginning to truly hate her. I know my temperature rises when I see her picture in the paper.

What I really wonder, and I'll bet some internet digging would tell the truth, is if this is how Cindy Sheehan's son would have wanted her to honor his memory. Since we have a purely volunteer military, Cindy's son must have volunteered to serve. And I think that he would have been briefed on the possibility that he may have to engage in war with our enemies, and possibly lose his life.

But what about soldiers who don't want to fight what they consider an unjust war? Was her son of this ilk? Most soldiers know the adage about "ours is not to question why, ours is but to do or die" (I have no clue who said that), so chances are that he cared only about the guys out in the field with him.

Reading the milblogs (a way better source for what's really going on), convinces me that most of the soldiers in the field believe in what they're doing, and we have to believe the soldiers since they are the ones in the thick of it. Did Cindy's son believe in what he was doing, or was he fighting an unjust war to avoid a court-martial? I really don't know. But I'd like to.

Tom Cruise Sucks Ass

I think this is true. It must be, because it's what I do. I go out of my way not to see certain movies because of the actors or actresses. That doesn't mean I won't watch when it hits the movie channels. Movie stars I go out of my way to avoid: Tom Cruise, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Alec Baldwin, Susan Sarandon.

Movies I've gone out of my way to avoid: Brokeback Mountain (it's on the movie channels right now, and I cringe every time I see the title), Syriana, The Deer Hunter (my dad said it's the only movie that really disturbed him, and now I'm afraid to watch it.)

I think the Michael Moore movies go without saying.

I tried to watch Gigli, and Mr. & Mrs. Smith, and Fun With Dick and Jane, but they all sucked within the first 15 minutes so I had to turn the dial.

Good entertaining movies really seem to be going the way of the dinosaur...

I love this!

But only because of the food. I'm sure the boyfriend would love the eye-candy. For me, the it's the meat-o-rama they're serving in there!

Go see what's cookin' at the Heart Attack Grill

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

And I'm back from the hunting trip, where I'm pleased to announce the death and imminent consumption of one 8 point buck. Yay me! (It's my first)

So that you know how cool I am, here's the specifics:
1) No, I did not sit in a blind.
2) Yes, I did freeze my ass off sitting on the ground (the West Tx desert has no trees for tree stands)
3) Yes, there was a feeder (ok, so I got a little help)
4) Yes, I used a bipod (well, I'm delicate, and the big ol' gun was too heavy for little ol' me)
5) The rifle used was a Browning .243 (so sweeeeet)
6) I dropped the old boy from 252 yards! (yay me again!)

The boyfriend was very proud of me, he was of course sitting with me when I made the shot (we don't need to discuss the one he missed).

I am a bit disconcerted however, that he actually thinks we're going to grill the backstraps tonight. Silly goose. The only way to eat backstrap, as every God-fearing Texan knows, is chicken-fried. That's what I get for loving a New Yorker.