I've decided that since the illegals are here to stay and el governiemiento de los estados unidos will not make them va-moose, well I'll start assimilating. You can too - just click the link!
Your Mexican Name Is... |
a semi-daily blog about, well, whatever interests me. Being a lady, I reserve the right to change my mind at any time.
I've decided that since the illegals are here to stay and el governiemiento de los estados unidos will not make them va-moose, well I'll start assimilating. You can too - just click the link!
Your Mexican Name Is... |
I love to read. I'm mean I realllllly love it. Sometimes I'll skip a whole day of work just because I MUST finish a book. It is a problem. I wonder if it qualifies as an addiction. Hmmmm.
The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Addiction includes the 12 symptoms listed below:
Uncontrolled cravings - check - I must have it!
Obsessive thought about the addiction - Check - I should be working - instead I'm obsessing about my books. A vicious cycle.
Energy focused on the addiction - Check - If only I could focus this much at work - I'd be rich!!
Absenteeism - Check - Thank God I'm self-employed!
School truancy - When I was in school... Most definately CHECK!
Nasal congestion - hmmm - not so much
Eye changes - Yessir - Got reading glasses last year - barely 30 years old. Check.
Glassy eyes - see above
Behavioral changes - Well, I get real grumpy when a book ends badly. Check.
Hyperactivity - not quite
Fatigue - and then some. I've been known to stay awake all night to read an entire Harry Potter book from start to finish. Sad. Check.
Over-spending money - I can't resist the Borders' sales - Buy two, get one free! What a bargain. At least $50.00 every time I go in there. Check.
So out of all these, only 2 symptons don't qualify. Yes, I'd say I have an addiction. Well, that kinda blows.
So here's a list of what I'm reading:
The Federalist Papers - I've made a commitment to balance my reading list with as many classics as possible. I don't know if this qualifies as a classic, but I was getting a little bored with classic fiction, so I thought that this would be a nice change. I intend on reading The Art of War next for my "classical education"
The Four Agreements - not too sure about this one. It's a little weird. I'm not really into self help books, but it was on the sale rack and apparently spent a bunch of time on the bestsellers list. It's a little funky. I keep putting it down with thoughts of "bite me". Not very helpful.
The Pale Horseman - If you don't read Bernard Cornwell then you are a moron. There, I said it.