I think the current Global Warming schtick is a crock of shit. The reason I think this is that I just don't believe that scientists, or humans for that matter have collected enough data through the ages to support the theory. We humans just have not been around long enough, nor have we had the technology long enough to know what's
REALLY going on.
On top of that, I believe that we humans, or we-humans-who-believe-in-global-warming, are giving humankind WAY too much credit. To say that
we're killing the planet and that
we must save it, is extremely narcisscistic in my humble opinion. It may be true that we are contributing to climate change, but my bullshit detector tells me its not on the scale that the eco-nuts are telling us.
I believe that its all really a cycle. The Earth is organic, and like all organic things, it is born, or created, it grows, it matures, and it dies. I believe that no matter what mankind does to hurt the planet, or to try to save the planet - it won't matter. It's going to die someday. That being said:
I don't advocate doing all we can to
try to ruin the planet, but let's use some common sense people! Most scientific advancements have improved the quality of life for humans; from the 2-ply TP to the MRI machine at the hospital. There are plenty of ways to minimize output - and they're cost saving.
In the spring and fall, open windows instead of running the a/c, or light a fire instead of running the heater. Use candles with hurricane glasses on the back porch instead of installing more light fixtures. Do what
ALL our mom's did and reuse aluminum foil, etc. That's plain common sense, and each family can do what suits it best - many probably already do because there's an added bonus of saving money.
On the other hand, don't buy extra expensive light bulbs that do something good for the environment, just turn on the lights only when needed. Don't spend extra money on a lush lawn if you live where water is scarce - xeriscape. Use wash cloths and cloth napkins in place of paper towels and paper napkins. If none of these suit you, then don't. It's your choice.
But on no account should you deprive yourself of modern conveniences that have made the world better, like an SUV for the family vacation, and on no account should you walk around with a stinky butt. You go right on ahead and use as many squares of TP you need to get your rear end clean - and don't feel guilty about it.