Friday, October 26, 2007

I've run across several things in the blogosphere this morning that I wanted to link over here, so why not just do a quick roundup?

Ace at Ace of Spades has a post up about how asinine Cosmo is with their new list entitled "Seven New Rules for Keeping Your Man"

He's right. Old Rule was ghey and New Rule is obvious.

What's making me laugh out loud are the comments. Yes, they are foul. But it seems that men really are all exactly the same. And in the "romantic" area - they all want the same three things:
1) B.J.
2) A Threesome
3) Your Backdoor

I guess some things never change.

Rachel Lucas is one of my daily reads as well cuz she is sooooo funny, and this link from her site this morning had me laughing my ass off and snorting Coke out of my nose. Funnily enough, I was reading the Cracked site earlier this morning, but not this particular list. So for your entertainment, the Ten Most Terrifyingly Inspirational 80's Songs!

It's "A series of songs that inspired us to kick ass in every way possible."

Here are some new phrases from the authors of this list. Try to use them in a sentence today:

Boob menacing

Rocking faces (as in, "I've seen a million faces, and I've rocked them all)

Knee deep in blood or poontang

On a more serious note (or not), this one left my mouth hanging open. From the Jawa Report:

All in all, converting to Islam would be a small price to pay for an end to
the killing and maiming of our sons and daughters, not to mention the billions
of dollars we could put to better use than fighting this perpetual war.

WTF? Words fail me on this one.

And of course, since it's a bye week for the 'boys and I won't be seeing Tony Romo on the big screen, a pretty picture of my future husband:

Monday, October 22, 2007

Well, overall it was a better week for me on the gridiron. Texas A&M triumphed gloriously, Texas Tech was taken down even more gloriously and my 'boys had a great showing yesterday.

That being said there were a few personal blips for me:

1) We've lost a recruit due to the mess at A&M.

2) I am a fan of OU, since we both dislike Texas, and although I always root for the Cowboys, I was secretly hoping that Adrian Peterson would have a great showing, because I like the Sooners and he's from Texas. I always root for Texans to do well. Even though Minnesota lost, I think Peterson has already shown time and again that he's a force to be reckoned with, but I felt bad since his WHOLE family was at the game.

3) The Pittsburgh game. The boyfriend and I bet on Pittsburgh in the pool. Big disappointment! I hope Indy wins tonight - so at least we'll be a wash again - but we're losing serious ground in the pool!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

So here it is: My lamenting of last weekend's football nightmare.

The 12th Manchild says it better than I do, so I'll let him tell it.

I actually had to turn off the TV with 9 minutes left to go in the 4th quarter of the A&M game. It was sooooo depressing. However, the silver lining from my sister: Fact: we are not going to go undefeated this season and she would rather lose to someone like Tech and get our boys pumped up to not let it happen again so that they have the intense drive to beat teams like OU, and Texas.

Problem: OSU put the hurt on Nebraska this last weekend, and we play them this Saturday. Both teams are going to want to prove that the previous loss was a fluke, but Nebraska has the advantage since the game is in Lincoln and possibly a more intense need since they lost in Lincoln.

Texas beat Iowa State handily, I didn't even bother watching. bleh.

And my Cowboys, oh my Cowboys. Tony, my love, how you hurt me! It was a valiant effort, and I salute the Patriots.

As far as our pool goes - Chicago lost and Philly won, so we were a wash on our bets, but I don't know whether we moved up or down in the list, since the boyfriend has not bothered to send me this week's lines and standings. As of last week we were 14th out of 75 participants. Cross your fingers that we move up!

So, now that I had such a depressing weekend, my football freakiness has waned. I guess I'll go back to blogging about other stuff - at least until Friday.

Monday, October 15, 2007

I will write about the horrible headache and hangover inducing football weekend tomorrow after Monday Night Football, since I don't yet know where we are in the pool, but while you anxiously await my whining, bitching, and moaning of the hell that was my weekend, I present for you:

My Personal Confession Session. I just have a few things to get off my chest. Secrets, if you will.

I watch the movie Sister Act 2 almost every time it comes on.

I eat Fritos Scoops and Hot Bean Dip almost every day. alone.

I've got a homemade gospel cd of country gospel and liturgical hymns that I listen to almost daily as I drive around. And I sing along like I'm in a church choir or something.

I really like that Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader show.

I wear flip flops to work, and I try to pretend that I do it only on Fridays, which is still totally unprofessional.

I always cry at the end of Rocky when he's all beat to hell and yelling for Adrian.

Friday, October 12, 2007

It's Friday! And as I'm still not really in the mood to blog about VERY IMPORTANT issues of our time such as:

The Goracle winning the Nobel Pissing Contest Prize
More Bullshit from the Open Borders Crowd
or even
Britney Spears

I will continue on with my football freakiness and talk about that! So there.

I cannot wait for the smackdown tomorrow at 2:30 on ABC (but only if you're in a redstate... booyah!)

A&M will be visiting the Classless Clowns at Tortilla Tech to try and hold on to our first place spot in the Big 12 South, not to mention get our FIRST win in Lubbock since 1993. Do you realize I was a student at A&M the last time we won in Lubbock? Sad.

t.u. will be up against the 1-5 Iowa State Cyclones. Although it goes without saying that I want Iowa State to win, I won't be holding my breath. I didn't even remember that Iowa State was in the Big 12.

As for our AP top 5 undefeated teams: meh. I only care about A&M getting into the top 25 again. I will say this, though. I hope they all lose, just because I'm going for whatever underdog is up against these teams. Well, that's not totally true. Since A&M has no chance whatsoever, I'm rooting for LSU to make it to the Big One. I have some nostalgia for them left over from college. Back when we were the SWC, we used to open against LSU every year. I don't dislike them at all. So I root for LSU over the others.

As for the NFL, just for shits and giggles, here are my picks for our football pool:

St. Louis
Tampa Bay
San Diego
New Orleans

You see, many of these teams are 0-5 and I think this is a week of upsets. The boyfriend, not so much. Here are his picks:

St. Louis
Green Bay
New England (what a douchebag!)
New York

We actually only bet on Chicago and Philly in our pool (I cannot beging to describe the shame that I feel betting on Philly, since they are the anti-Christ, but people, this is for real money. So anti-Christ be dammed!)

However, as reported before, the boyfriend and I have money on the Dreamboat Quarterback Contest featuring the Oh-S0 Hot and Future Father of my Children, Tony Romo, and the Supermodel Sperm Bank, Tom Brady. My money is on Romo and America's Team.

Just for the record, I am a Patriot's fan, and any other time, I would be rooting for them. But you know, Any Given Sunday and all that.

I will be eating the Hot Beef Dip from Ladies... - looks pretty yummy!!

See you all next week when we'll all be acting like Monday Morning Quarterbacks!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

There is so much going on in the news and the blogosphere, that I don't even know what to write about!

Should I write about my righteous indignation stemming from the war over NASCAR cooties? (I love the title "NASCAR cooties!")

Or about the complete and total douchebag who is suing a family over a puddle on the floor?

I tried to get pissed off about the Texas Tech Vick 'em T-shirts, given that the Red Raider fans have zero class and I am an Aggie, but both my Aggie sister and Aggie boyfriend thought it was funny. Does that mean that I'm over-reacting, or are they devoid of feeling? And besides, I read that the Texas Tech administration had banned the t-shirts.

I could write about Ann Coulter's idiotic rant about how Christians want to perfect the Jews, but I didn't totally get where she was coming from... so I'd sound like an idiot myself.

Update: Just reported on Fox News that the Douchebag cop is dropping her lawsuit. So, one less thing to worry about...

So instead, I will write about the thing most on my mind these days: Tony Romo.

My love for Tony Romo knows no bounds.

Unless he loses to New England on Sunday. I have a serious monetary bet on this game with the boyfriend. I will never hear the end of it if the 'boys sustain their first loss of the season.

So for my love of Tony Romo, here is a link to always wonderful Ladies... with yesterday's Hump Day Hottie... none other than Tony Romo!!!

Just a taste of him rockin' that football jersey...

I love this picture because I like his haircut. I love the really short hair on men. I'm weird that way.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

And Even More From the World of the NFL...

Love, Love, Love those Cowboys!!

Love, Love, Love Tony Romo!!

I've even got a little love left over for Terrell Owens!

And I'll give some love to Brett Favre, the Man!

A big Congratulations on the 421st touchdown - hoping for many more!!

Football Roundup

The Aggies have started conference play with a win over Baylor. Baylor isn't great, but the last couple of years we've struggled with our wins against them. But for this year, the big Battle of the Brazos winner was once again, the Ags.

Aggies 34 - Baylor 10

But the even better news is that we are now in first in the South Division after the Longhorns got upset by the Kansas State Wildcats (yea!!!) and OU got upset by the Colorado Buffalos. So tu and OU both have conference losses, and even better, this week, at least one of those teams will have another loss on the books as the Red River Shootout hits the Cotton Bowl on Saturday night. For my money, I'm certainly rooting for OU to put the big hurt on tu and that nancy boy Colt McCoy.

However, this Saturday is a must win for the Aggies. We've got OSU on board and they are also 1-0 in conference play.