Thursday, November 16, 2006

Girly-Man? I think not...

Emmitt Smith won Dancing With the Stars. I'm not surprised. If he can't beat out Mario "Ra Ra Sis Boom Ba" Lopez then he should emigrate to some salsa dancing country, like, say, Miami, and try again.

Mike Bianchi, from the Orlando Sentinel seems quite downheated about Sir Smith's triumph:

Have you seen those Miller Lite commercials where a panel of manly men discusses a given topic and decides upon a man law? There are a number of readily accepted edicts that real men must live by: No fruit slices garnishing your beer mug, no wine coolers at the tailgate party and no smelling the frosted cranberry spice candles at Bath & Body Works.

Now Emmitt has caused The Official Manual of Man Law to be rewritten with one commandment above all others:Thou Shalt Never Put Dancing Commitments Ahead of Football Commitments.

While I agree with the Man Law commandment, Football Commitments are more important than Dancing Commitments, please keep in mind, Mr. Bianchi, that all women, and this is important, all women equate dancing with sex. Will Smith (no relation to Emmitt, I'm sure) told you this in Hitch. And it is true.

In my neck of the woods, a man that can't two-step has almost no chance to make it into a woman's bed. Conversely, a man that can waltz his beloved right across Texas, well, he can do no wrong in the bedroom.

Mike, my friend, don't cry and let there be a Tear in your Beer, go learn to dance to it. (Hank Sr. and Jr. duet, in case you don't know your country music). I promise you won't lose your manhood. No good, God-fearing woman would make you give up your man-stuff. If you learn to cut-a-rug like Emmitt, your lady will love you for it. I promise.

Hoyer wins by a landslide - better than Murtha, I guess.


Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) took exception with Abizaid's talk of all the steps that the Iraqi government needs to take. "Hope is not a method," she told him. "We've had testimony now for four years about what 'must be done' -- and it doesn't get done."

(Gen. John P. Abizaid, chief of the U.S. Central Command) shot back: "I would also say that despair is not a method." --

hat tip: Right Wing News
The vote is on! Will Murtha win? Let's hope not!

Thanksgiving Feast

The boyfriend is going to be here this Sunday for a few days (not on the real Thanksgiving Day, though), so we're going to do the Big Day this next week. Since he's from New York, he's never experienced the joy of a Fried Turkey. I've only fried one myself once before, although I've eaten them a lot, so I'm a little nervous.

This also means that I'll have to buy pre-made gravy, but that can't be helped. I think the dinner will turn out fine. It better. It's my shameless attempt to prove what a wonderful wife I will make. He better get the hint. The clock is ticking so loudly I can't hear myself think. My devious plan is to feed him good southern cooking and get him fat so no one else will want him. Then when I get him, I will ruthlessly switch to healthy food and get him back in shape. Muwahahahaha!!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Irony

Catholic bishops reaching out to gays...

How far will they have to reach into their own ranks?

New Dirty Words

I don't ever want to hear this phrase again:


I have a feeling that I'll be hearing it alot, but I cringe every time I do.
Watching O'Reilley last night, he had a lady on that was the President of the American Atheists or some such club. I don't know what it was about, I was channel surfing.

But it struck me - these atheists are a weird bunch. I don't get it. How on Earth could a person actually believe that there is no God (or supreme being, or whatever)? How is this possible? How could a person really believe that this is all an accident?

I was talking to an ultra-liberal musician friend of mine once and we were discussing a mutual friend who was having some personal problems. The friend with the personal problems was raised Catholic and sent to parochial school. She told me more than once that she didn't believe in God. I mentioned this to the musician friend (assuming I would get hit with the relativism thing) and he said that not believing in God was nothing but an excuse. If there's no God, then there's no one to answer to for your actions. I was surprised to hear this from someone who is a borderline anarchist.

Truth is, I feel sorry for atheists. Deep down, they must be truly unhappy, even if they don't know it. Whatever your religion, most folks feel a deep sense of peace knowing that there's someone bigger guiding you. I wonder if atheists are that way because of their upbringing, or a rebellion of some sorts, or they really just naturally believe that there's nothing else out there.

Monday, November 13, 2006

From Drudge, this article on fighting illegal immigration at the local level.

Of course the article is biased. It starts off saying that Farmer's Branch wants to keep out illegal immigrants and then mentions the percentage of Hispanics in Farmer's Branch adding that this town is "where many Latino families can trace their roots here to the era before statehood."

Of course, this is designed to make you think that the people are tired of Hispanics living there and want them out. You're supposed to equate Hispanic with Illegal with Racism.

Then they quote this idiot Cesar Perales from Puerto Rican Legal Defense:

"It's basically saying those people are illegal in their very nature; it is all right to be against them because they are lawbreakers. Many people are assuming that all immigrants are lawbreakers, and that people who are different, who speak a different language, are to be shunned," said Cesar Perales, president and general counsel of the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund.

Anyone with half a brain knows that immigrants aren't necessarily lawbreakers. But all Illegal Immigrants or Illegal Aliens as I choose to call them are lawbreakers from the start. This guy is a butthead.


via a link from lgf, look at this video from HotAir. I never really got into the Simpsons - King of the Hill and South Park are way better. But, still, I am truly appalled by this. Make fun of the President - he can handle it, and many times deserves it. But stop with the disrespect to the troops. These men and women are dying for us - whether you like it or not. They deserve the utmost respect at all times. Shame on you, Matt Groening.

Monday Mornin' Football Roundup

DAMN the Aggies! That's all I can say! DAMN THEM! DAMN THEM TO HELL!

Another 1 point loss. What is the problem?

Well, I'll tell you what the problem is. That no-talent ass-clown of a coach we're spending way too much money on.

but, t.u. lost so, I should feel better. I don't really. I want to curl up in a ball and cry.

For some good news,

The boyfriend and I are still in the running for the football pool. However, my Mojo is way off. Of the four teams I picked for the pool - EVERY SINGLE ONE LOST yesterday. Thank goodness, the boyfriend overruled me on this one.

Also my local high school team has now officially won it's District Title, going undefeated in district play this year. I couldn't be prouder of them! They're the only team who have not betrayed my devotion to them lately (sniff, sniff).

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

My little sister informed me yesterday as she was going to vote that although she realized that we would probably lose the House, she just did not know how to handle the fact that that old douchebag Nancy Pelosi would be Speaker of the House.

Guess what, little sis? You got bigger problems. Guess who's going to be in charge of the Ways and Means Committee?

Yep. The man who said "There's no such thing as a good tax cut."
I will never catblog. I promise.
Well it's Robert Gates. The guy who runs Aggieland. Who's going to run my school now?
Rummy's resigning!!!

I don't know what to make of that. Hmmm, must ponder.

Ali Bubba says it all...

Over and over the past several months, Americans were told that if they didn't vote Republican, the terrorists would win. The American people have now spoken. By a decisive majority, Americans say they'd rather wear be blown to smithereens than to see guys like Denny Hastert running the show. Having failed to export democracy to the Middle East, democracy now will import the Middle East. The people have spoken! Vox populi, vox dei!

The whole post pretty much echoes my sentiments.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Gettin his funny on...

Monday, November 06, 2006

Another show I won't be watching tonight...

the CMA's are on the TV tonight, but I do not dig award shows, I find them tedious. I am, of course happy that George Strait is being inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame. Pretty exciting stuff!

So in honor of George and country music, I proudly submit my TOP TEN List of Favorite Country Artists. here 'tis: (in no particular order)

1) Loretta Lynn
2) Dolly Parton
3) George Strait
4) Hank, Jr.
5) Willie
6) Bob Wills
7) Kenny Rogers
8) Patsy Cline
9) Tanya Tucker
10)Don Williams

As an aside, although I think they are the absolute most idiotic women on the face of the Earth, I still cannot bear to part with my Dixie Chicks cd's. I will say, I've never purchased another one, but the one's I already had, yes, I still listen and sing along like the Fourth Chick I used to be before they broke my heart.

There are Angels among us...

and sometime's they have to step in and make you recognize...

Last week, I was at the Cody Ohl/Fred Whitfield (who is the Match Roping in San Angelo. I made my way to the ladies room and when I went to wash my hands after redistributing the beer, this exchange happened:

I walked to the sink and put my left hand under the soap thingy - no soap, so I try the other side soap thingy with my right hand. No soap.

As I'm turning on the water to just rinse, a 70-some-odd-year old woman (had to be a lifelong smoker with that voice) says to me, "There's no soap, sweetheart."

So I crack a little smile, look down at my hands and say with a chuckle, "Well, hell."

She leans in, right in my face and replies, "Little girl (I'm in my mid-thirties, thank-you-very-much), that is a real place, not a swear word. You remember that."

I am so glad that we have people like that around to keep me in line. Who knows what I might say?
I'm sure I could think of some ethnic crack to make, but a picture is worth a thousand words...

Football Roundup

Well, the Ags were outscored. Can't say I'm surprised. I watched the game - I was wholly unimpressed and I believe that it will have an effect on the next two games. Even if we pull it off against Nebraska, t.u. is going to be a bitch.

the 'boys lost and the Texans lost, so all in all, it was not a good week for Texas football.

The good news is that my local high school football team only needs one more win to clinch the district championship. We're 8-1 overall and 8-0 in the district. This is actually HUGE because we've suffered through a long (and I do mean years long) losing streak. Our high school coach is phenomenal! He has made this team and this town.

I don't think I'm even going to bother watching MNF tonight.


out of town,
out of my mind,
and unwell.

The upside is, I bought a new house.

But now I'm back, baby!!