Monday, February 20, 2012

Is the election scary to most people? I'm not scared. I do not like any one left in the GOP field. Frankly, they all suck. In 2008, I honestly thought that people saw through the media hype to what Barack Obama was. (To boil it down, an America Hater) I did not feel great about John McCain, but voted for him anyway. We all know how that went. I really thought that McCain would win, despite all the pundits and news anchors saying he didn't have a chance. This time around, while I'm hopeful, I'm not so naive. I think Obama is going to pull it off again. The media is still in his pocket, or being blackmailed by the White House, or something, and the ignorance of the American people knows no bounds.

That being said, if the GOP retakes the Senate, Barack Obama's power will dimish even more, and with a majority of Governors coming from the Right side of the aisle, things have a chance to get better. But will they?

The plain fact is that the damage is done. Since the New Deal, our country has slowly gone down a socialist-like progressive slide. The proverbial slippery slope. However, Barack Obama has done more to harm the progressive agenda than an army of the most reviled Righties ever could. He has woken the country up to the real damage the progressive agenda creates. People are waking up to the threat. We may end up with a GOP controlled Congress, but lets be real. The few Congressmen that really care about small government are drowned out by the pay-to-play good ole boys - on both sides. So when Obama is re-elected, we wont have real change, even with a Republican Congress. We will tread water for four more years. I believe that the American people should spend those four years fighting the real war. Against the evil media. Some people really can only get their news from the Big 3 (+ Fox local). They did the American people very wrong. And they should be ashamed. They should be put out of business.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Confession Session

1) I did not watch the Superbowl last night - and I am a football fanatic. I am however, thrilled that the Saints beat that little girl Peyton Manning. I have no reason for it, but I can't stand the guy.
2) I caved and put all my NCIS timers back in place. I've now seen them so many times that I'm able to do other stuff (like read) with it in the background.
3) I'm feeling slightly motivated, so I might actually go into work today. My goal is to at least leave the house. We'll just see how that plays out. This melatonin gives me some funky ass dreams!

Monday, January 25, 2010

I Actually Don't Have a Case of the Mondays...

Alright, so I overslept, but for once, I don't dread the day. I wonder why that is? I did some pretty big things this last weekend. Big for me anyway. I went in and deleted all my dvr shows (re-runs only) so I won't be tempted to stay in bed and hide from the world by watching them over and over.
I deleted ALL my NCIS and Burn Notice shows - which I have found that I was really relying on as a crutch to escape my life.
I ended up setting the timers for Psych, which I don't hate, but don't find all that great. They've had a marathon the last two days and I recorded all of them, wondering if it was a bad idea, because what if I start to watch that show obsessively, but I've been playing them (I have one on right now) and it's really just background noise.
So I'm going to check my email, fb, read the news and head into work, hopefully by 12:00. That's the plan anyway...

Friday, January 22, 2010


I am slightly hungover from last night. I didn't even go out. I kept watching the clock until at 8:30 I couldn't stand it anymore. I fixed several vodkas and took my sleepy pills and went to bed. Took a while to work, but they finally did. Boy did I have some funky dreams! I woke up this morning thinking of the show "House". The last three or four days I've had to wake myself up from such realistic dreams that they must be hallucinations. I might be going a little to far with that. But it's a little freaky all the same.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

#2 of Benjamin Franklin's Thirteen Virtues

Order: Let each part of your business have it's time.

oi, this is hard!


Well my week has sucked so I'm going to try to go out on a high note. This morning I've been a shredding fool and it is quite satisfying. I'm having someone come by late this afternoon to work in the house, so I have to be here. But no need to be here now. Wanna know why I'm ass dragging? Weeellllll, a pretty little box from Amazon was sitting on my doorstep this morning with FOUR books in them!!!! They are calling my name (it really hurts to not drop everything and just jump right in!) Problem number two: The new Burn Notice comes on tonight and they're having an ALL DAY Burn Notice MARATHON!!!!
I am soooo pathetic.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It's Wednesday...

The good news is I have to stay around the house today because Angel Pest Control is coming! Yay! Excuses not to leave the house! I really feel like ass right now so I'm not going to post, except to say: it's so kickin' ass that Scott Brown won last night!!!! I am excited to read the news blogs!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

OMG - It's 10:00 and I just woke up!!

I don't understand!!! I was in bed by an appropriate hour I did all the stuff to help me go to bed with a clear hear, took my meds and fell asleep. I woke up at 1:30, took another ambien, wide awake again at 2:30, so I got up and made a to do list. turned the ipod on real low and tried to go back to bed. I did sleep, but was awake almost every hour.
Oh well, I'm not going to let this setback interfere with my day. I at least go a do list done - we'll see how interesting it is written on meds at 2:00 in the morning!