Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A Plague On Both Your Houses!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Is Never Having to Enforce the Law;
Just Pass a New One
(and don't enforce that one either!)

Tony Snow says to the American People on behalf of the President "We heard you." Then he goes on to tell us "all that is going on with the bill". In effect he's saying, "Trust us. Look at all we're doing to put a really good smokescreen in place so it won't hurt so bad when we do what we want to do anyway."

Two things have to happen for me to even think about comtemplating if I might ever want to possibly accept this Administration's policy of instant Amnesty (I never will, but I might pretend to listen, just out of politeness)

From the President's June 8th radio address:

[W]e are now committing more resources than ever before to border security, doubling the number of Border Patrol agents, building hundreds of miles of fencing...
1) I don't care how many Border Patrol agents you put on the Border, they will be too afraid to do anything useful until they know they can do their job and be judged fairly. That WILL NOT happen until Agents Compean and Ramos are pardoned by President Bush.

He must do this because it is the right thing to do and he must work to restore faith among those of us who put our faith in him.

2) The asinine provision that probationary benefits are available within 24 hours of application must be taken out of the bill. This illustrates the unbelievable feeling of superiority that Members of Congress and the President are showing to their constituents. If that provision is in the bill, and stays in the bill, nothing else in the bill matters. Not. one. single. thing.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Amnesty Roundup

I have a few friends who don't keep up with politics like I do (not that I am in any way an expert) and have become very interested in the Crap-O-Rama that is the Amnesty for Aliens issue currently gripping our nation. So, on their behalf, I present a one-stop shopping list of websites, and blogs for the Amnesty virgin. Enjoy!

First and foremost go see Michelle Malkin's website. She is all over this! Not only does she know what she's talking about when it comes to the Amnesty issue, she is an insider who is privy to much that Joe America isn't aware of, and she not only alerts the public, but backs up her information by posting the documentation.

From her website you can fax your Senator and tell them what you think, or you can call the Amnesty hotline to get directly connected to your Senator's office.

Block out an hour or so and spend some time over there - she liveblogged the debates last week, and you can bet she'll liveblog the next round that we all expect to come around again this month.

Next, go on over to the Kausfiles. If you can't find it at Michelle's, Mickey will have it.

For the most comprehensive information on the problems caused by illegal aliens unlawfully residing in the U.S., go to Numbers USA. This site has loads of info from census figures to discussions on anchor babies and chain migration. (h/t again to Michelle. I found this site via her blog, and now go there every day!)

It also has a great roundup of the voting records of Congress. Lots and lots of information here!

Also, support this group. They are a group of Americans of Hispanic ancestry and they want the rest of America to know that the pro-illegal alien crowd does not speak for them. Support them any way you can!

Check out Rep. Tom Tancredo's (R-CO) site. He's an early opponent to Amnesty and has been fighting this issue for years. In case you weren't aware, he's running for President.

Lastly, see this page from Jeff Sessions (R-AL) website which details the 20 biggest loopholes in the Amnesty plan. (Since the plan is "not quite dead", it's important to know these loopholes and watch to see how many changes are made when it comes back to the Senate floor).

That should be plenty to get you Amnesty virgins started!

Sopranos - Much Ado About Nothing

Like most people last night, I thought my TV went out during the Sopranos. So today's backlash doesn't surprise me one bit. For me, the only highlight of last night was Phil Leotardo getting whacked and then run over. That and Agent Harris cheering about the hit.

I'm annoyed that there was no closure. I feel completely unsatisfied. What's going to happen to Silvio? What about AJ? He's done a 360 in about 4 weeks.

The boyfriend reminded me: When has a series finale ever lived up to the hype? True, but couldn't they have at least tried?

Sports Day

I'm gettin' my sports groove back, so here's a quick roundup of what went on this weekend - well, what I cared about following anyway.

Spurs win, but apparently, no one cares. Not even the Spurs fans.

(links via Deadspin)

Aggies are eliminated, but it was a surprise that they got this far in the first place this year.

The Yankees win one. Finally.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

The Big Criminals Helping the Little Criminals

I've been watching the Amnesty debate on C-Span, and to be honest, it's mind-numbing. I've never really spent time watching Congressional debates, and I confess, I keep getting a bit flummoxed. We all know that politicians are highly skilled at double-speak, but I admit, I'm a bit impressed.

Not in a good way.

(O/T - why is Trent Lott ass-kissing the Chappaquiddick killer?)

I'm doing better by reading Michelle Malkin's liveblogging posts, with her commentary.

What I see on the whole, is that the members of Congress really are Corrupt Criminals (well maybe not Jeff Sessions).

To me, this is meeting of the Mafia bigwigs sitting around the table dividing up the territories to parcel out to their illegal alien underlings.

I'm truly disgusted.