Monday, January 25, 2010

I Actually Don't Have a Case of the Mondays...

Alright, so I overslept, but for once, I don't dread the day. I wonder why that is? I did some pretty big things this last weekend. Big for me anyway. I went in and deleted all my dvr shows (re-runs only) so I won't be tempted to stay in bed and hide from the world by watching them over and over.
I deleted ALL my NCIS and Burn Notice shows - which I have found that I was really relying on as a crutch to escape my life.
I ended up setting the timers for Psych, which I don't hate, but don't find all that great. They've had a marathon the last two days and I recorded all of them, wondering if it was a bad idea, because what if I start to watch that show obsessively, but I've been playing them (I have one on right now) and it's really just background noise.
So I'm going to check my email, fb, read the news and head into work, hopefully by 12:00. That's the plan anyway...

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