Friday, October 26, 2007

I've run across several things in the blogosphere this morning that I wanted to link over here, so why not just do a quick roundup?

Ace at Ace of Spades has a post up about how asinine Cosmo is with their new list entitled "Seven New Rules for Keeping Your Man"

He's right. Old Rule was ghey and New Rule is obvious.

What's making me laugh out loud are the comments. Yes, they are foul. But it seems that men really are all exactly the same. And in the "romantic" area - they all want the same three things:
1) B.J.
2) A Threesome
3) Your Backdoor

I guess some things never change.

Rachel Lucas is one of my daily reads as well cuz she is sooooo funny, and this link from her site this morning had me laughing my ass off and snorting Coke out of my nose. Funnily enough, I was reading the Cracked site earlier this morning, but not this particular list. So for your entertainment, the Ten Most Terrifyingly Inspirational 80's Songs!

It's "A series of songs that inspired us to kick ass in every way possible."

Here are some new phrases from the authors of this list. Try to use them in a sentence today:

Boob menacing

Rocking faces (as in, "I've seen a million faces, and I've rocked them all)

Knee deep in blood or poontang

On a more serious note (or not), this one left my mouth hanging open. From the Jawa Report:

All in all, converting to Islam would be a small price to pay for an end to
the killing and maiming of our sons and daughters, not to mention the billions
of dollars we could put to better use than fighting this perpetual war.

WTF? Words fail me on this one.

And of course, since it's a bye week for the 'boys and I won't be seeing Tony Romo on the big screen, a pretty picture of my future husband:

Monday, October 22, 2007

Well, overall it was a better week for me on the gridiron. Texas A&M triumphed gloriously, Texas Tech was taken down even more gloriously and my 'boys had a great showing yesterday.

That being said there were a few personal blips for me:

1) We've lost a recruit due to the mess at A&M.

2) I am a fan of OU, since we both dislike Texas, and although I always root for the Cowboys, I was secretly hoping that Adrian Peterson would have a great showing, because I like the Sooners and he's from Texas. I always root for Texans to do well. Even though Minnesota lost, I think Peterson has already shown time and again that he's a force to be reckoned with, but I felt bad since his WHOLE family was at the game.

3) The Pittsburgh game. The boyfriend and I bet on Pittsburgh in the pool. Big disappointment! I hope Indy wins tonight - so at least we'll be a wash again - but we're losing serious ground in the pool!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

So here it is: My lamenting of last weekend's football nightmare.

The 12th Manchild says it better than I do, so I'll let him tell it.

I actually had to turn off the TV with 9 minutes left to go in the 4th quarter of the A&M game. It was sooooo depressing. However, the silver lining from my sister: Fact: we are not going to go undefeated this season and she would rather lose to someone like Tech and get our boys pumped up to not let it happen again so that they have the intense drive to beat teams like OU, and Texas.

Problem: OSU put the hurt on Nebraska this last weekend, and we play them this Saturday. Both teams are going to want to prove that the previous loss was a fluke, but Nebraska has the advantage since the game is in Lincoln and possibly a more intense need since they lost in Lincoln.

Texas beat Iowa State handily, I didn't even bother watching. bleh.

And my Cowboys, oh my Cowboys. Tony, my love, how you hurt me! It was a valiant effort, and I salute the Patriots.

As far as our pool goes - Chicago lost and Philly won, so we were a wash on our bets, but I don't know whether we moved up or down in the list, since the boyfriend has not bothered to send me this week's lines and standings. As of last week we were 14th out of 75 participants. Cross your fingers that we move up!

So, now that I had such a depressing weekend, my football freakiness has waned. I guess I'll go back to blogging about other stuff - at least until Friday.

Monday, October 15, 2007

I will write about the horrible headache and hangover inducing football weekend tomorrow after Monday Night Football, since I don't yet know where we are in the pool, but while you anxiously await my whining, bitching, and moaning of the hell that was my weekend, I present for you:

My Personal Confession Session. I just have a few things to get off my chest. Secrets, if you will.

I watch the movie Sister Act 2 almost every time it comes on.

I eat Fritos Scoops and Hot Bean Dip almost every day. alone.

I've got a homemade gospel cd of country gospel and liturgical hymns that I listen to almost daily as I drive around. And I sing along like I'm in a church choir or something.

I really like that Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader show.

I wear flip flops to work, and I try to pretend that I do it only on Fridays, which is still totally unprofessional.

I always cry at the end of Rocky when he's all beat to hell and yelling for Adrian.

Friday, October 12, 2007

It's Friday! And as I'm still not really in the mood to blog about VERY IMPORTANT issues of our time such as:

The Goracle winning the Nobel Pissing Contest Prize
More Bullshit from the Open Borders Crowd
or even
Britney Spears

I will continue on with my football freakiness and talk about that! So there.

I cannot wait for the smackdown tomorrow at 2:30 on ABC (but only if you're in a redstate... booyah!)

A&M will be visiting the Classless Clowns at Tortilla Tech to try and hold on to our first place spot in the Big 12 South, not to mention get our FIRST win in Lubbock since 1993. Do you realize I was a student at A&M the last time we won in Lubbock? Sad.

t.u. will be up against the 1-5 Iowa State Cyclones. Although it goes without saying that I want Iowa State to win, I won't be holding my breath. I didn't even remember that Iowa State was in the Big 12.

As for our AP top 5 undefeated teams: meh. I only care about A&M getting into the top 25 again. I will say this, though. I hope they all lose, just because I'm going for whatever underdog is up against these teams. Well, that's not totally true. Since A&M has no chance whatsoever, I'm rooting for LSU to make it to the Big One. I have some nostalgia for them left over from college. Back when we were the SWC, we used to open against LSU every year. I don't dislike them at all. So I root for LSU over the others.

As for the NFL, just for shits and giggles, here are my picks for our football pool:

St. Louis
Tampa Bay
San Diego
New Orleans

You see, many of these teams are 0-5 and I think this is a week of upsets. The boyfriend, not so much. Here are his picks:

St. Louis
Green Bay
New England (what a douchebag!)
New York

We actually only bet on Chicago and Philly in our pool (I cannot beging to describe the shame that I feel betting on Philly, since they are the anti-Christ, but people, this is for real money. So anti-Christ be dammed!)

However, as reported before, the boyfriend and I have money on the Dreamboat Quarterback Contest featuring the Oh-S0 Hot and Future Father of my Children, Tony Romo, and the Supermodel Sperm Bank, Tom Brady. My money is on Romo and America's Team.

Just for the record, I am a Patriot's fan, and any other time, I would be rooting for them. But you know, Any Given Sunday and all that.

I will be eating the Hot Beef Dip from Ladies... - looks pretty yummy!!

See you all next week when we'll all be acting like Monday Morning Quarterbacks!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

There is so much going on in the news and the blogosphere, that I don't even know what to write about!

Should I write about my righteous indignation stemming from the war over NASCAR cooties? (I love the title "NASCAR cooties!")

Or about the complete and total douchebag who is suing a family over a puddle on the floor?

I tried to get pissed off about the Texas Tech Vick 'em T-shirts, given that the Red Raider fans have zero class and I am an Aggie, but both my Aggie sister and Aggie boyfriend thought it was funny. Does that mean that I'm over-reacting, or are they devoid of feeling? And besides, I read that the Texas Tech administration had banned the t-shirts.

I could write about Ann Coulter's idiotic rant about how Christians want to perfect the Jews, but I didn't totally get where she was coming from... so I'd sound like an idiot myself.

Update: Just reported on Fox News that the Douchebag cop is dropping her lawsuit. So, one less thing to worry about...

So instead, I will write about the thing most on my mind these days: Tony Romo.

My love for Tony Romo knows no bounds.

Unless he loses to New England on Sunday. I have a serious monetary bet on this game with the boyfriend. I will never hear the end of it if the 'boys sustain their first loss of the season.

So for my love of Tony Romo, here is a link to always wonderful Ladies... with yesterday's Hump Day Hottie... none other than Tony Romo!!!

Just a taste of him rockin' that football jersey...

I love this picture because I like his haircut. I love the really short hair on men. I'm weird that way.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

And Even More From the World of the NFL...

Love, Love, Love those Cowboys!!

Love, Love, Love Tony Romo!!

I've even got a little love left over for Terrell Owens!

And I'll give some love to Brett Favre, the Man!

A big Congratulations on the 421st touchdown - hoping for many more!!

Football Roundup

The Aggies have started conference play with a win over Baylor. Baylor isn't great, but the last couple of years we've struggled with our wins against them. But for this year, the big Battle of the Brazos winner was once again, the Ags.

Aggies 34 - Baylor 10

But the even better news is that we are now in first in the South Division after the Longhorns got upset by the Kansas State Wildcats (yea!!!) and OU got upset by the Colorado Buffalos. So tu and OU both have conference losses, and even better, this week, at least one of those teams will have another loss on the books as the Red River Shootout hits the Cotton Bowl on Saturday night. For my money, I'm certainly rooting for OU to put the big hurt on tu and that nancy boy Colt McCoy.

However, this Saturday is a must win for the Aggies. We've got OSU on board and they are also 1-0 in conference play.

Friday, September 28, 2007

samuel L jackson beer

Since I'm still boycotting Miller products (and I have for a couple of years), I've decided the time is ripe to start looking at some of the other beers in the marketplace. Too bad I can't really buy Samuel Jackson beer. It'll get ya druck, bitch!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Another Reason I Boycott Miller Brewing Company

Homosexuals Mock 'Last Supper' With Sex-Toys Twist

And it's sponsored by none other than our favorite open-borders, La Raza lovin' beer company. If you look at the bottom of the picture, you'll see the Miller Logo right there on the left. Lovely.


As of Thursday, Miller has removed their logo from this ad due to public outcry, but the money is still being given to various S&M groups. Not good enough in my opinion. I'm still boycotting.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Now He's a Homo Denier, Too

A direct quote:

"In Iran we don't have homosexuals like in your country. In Iran we do not have this phenomenon. I don't know who's told you that we have this."

Methinks thou dost protest too much. (translation: He is sooo ghey)
I'm watching baby Achmed give his speech at Columbia and I am disgusted. He is a truly horrible man. Columbia should ashamed.

He is invoking the Almighty and Allah, and telling Islamic Bible Stories. Do you think that if the speaker was a non-Islamic leader of a nation, that the University and the press would allow it to go unmentioned? Bush is a devout Christian and get blasted for invoking God in his speeches. If any Western leader spoke about faith this much they would get booed off the stage, instead of the rapt silence in Lerner Hall.

I'm Such a Romo-sexual!!!!

Just to Get You Really Pissed Off on a Monday...

There's this:

Mexican Kids Daily Cross Texas Border for Free U.S. Paid Education

and this, from the comments section that just makes my blood boil:

Prior to coming to Iraq I worked US Customs at the US/Mex border in Nogales AZ.
Every morning on a school day I would watch 100's of mexican student pour into
the US and walk to school. Several new Customs Officers that transfered to the
area were forced to pay for their children to attend private school because the
public schools in Nogales were full. There is a cap on enrollment here. Several
years ago a new principal was hired at the local high school. He stood at the
downtown border crossing and wrote down the name of every student he watched
cross into the US. He then, later that day expelled those students. You can
guess what's coming next..... He was fired by the school board and those
expelled student were allowed to return to school.
On a side note, most
classes in Nogales AZ public schools are taught in spanish.

When will the madness end?

(h/t News Busters via Right Wing News)

Friday, September 21, 2007

Some Extra Snark To Go With Your Morning Coffee

via Ace of Spades:

The new iteration has an age cap, allowing only those under the age of 30 to lie about sneaking into the U.S. before the age of 16.

For more information on the DREAM Act which Congress is trying to sneak into the Defense Authorization Bill, go here:

Act on the Dream Act

Jeff Sessions and the Dream Act


The Hurricanes put the hurt on A&M last night! It was so painful to watch. Starting from the first play where McGee got sacked to the very bitter end. The only highlight was the kick-ass hail mary from the second string QB. Oh the pain!

Miami 34, A&M 17

(well, at least it wasn't a blowout)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

This Makes Me Sick

via Drudge

When is the pandering and the entitling and the nannying going to stop? My guess? Never. How in the world did immigrants (legal ones at that) somehow manage to come to America from places like Italy, China, Poland - places where English is not the language, and survive? How did they do it? They did not get (and still don't) bi-lingual government documents or bi-lingual lessons. They had to go to school with the English speaking kids and, heaven forbid, learn or get left behind. What a notion.

Of course, thinking that today makes me a racist, a xenophobe and cold-hearted to boot.

The state of public schools in this country is abhorrent, but somehow, I do not believe that using Mexican-approved curricula is going to make it better. Or help the kids it's supposed to. It's only going to reinforce the notion that one need not learn English to be successful in the U.S. Sheer stupidity!

More Sports Related Stuff That I Command You To Care About

So The Boyfriend and I are in the big football pool again, and guess what???

We're in 5th place!! Yay us!

I'm not feeling particularly warm and fuzzy about the matchups this week, so I told him to keep the bets small just in case...

Our picks for this week are:

St. Louis
New York Giants

We bet 2k on each. I feel moderately confident about our chances. My goal this week is to not lose our #5 slot, but watch how the four above us bet so we can overtake them later.

Did you know I'm smarter than the average bear??

Game Day!

Tonight the 20th ranked Aggies take on unranked Miami (FL) on ESPN. Very exciting stuff. However, my dear ole Ags are not favored to win. Well, although I am not a fair-weather fan, I can understand the reluctance to put the Ags in a favorable position. We are Aggies after all. My prediction: Aggies 45, Miami 27

300 Mexican's!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Are You On the List?

So how does one get on the mother-of-all lists? The Jonathan Lee Riches lawsuit list?
I confess that I am utterly fascinated with this guy. Never even heard of him until today. Presenting for your enjoyment a roundup from the internet and blogosphere the wackiness that is Jonathan Lee Riches:

From Dreadnaught, via Ace a complaint from July naming as defendents Gitmo, Abu Ghraib, Bataan Death March, and Shawshank Redemption (among others). How do you name a movie as a defendent? He's seeking 728 trillion dollars and claiming that the defendents have built secret tunnels that connect around the world and that they force him to eat live rats and roll in kitty litter for punishment.

This guy is freakin' hilarious! I just can't get enough!

For more laughs see these:

Here's the original 57-page lawsuit filed in 2006 with almost every defendent you can name (except me). There doesn't seem to be a complaint in this one, however. (also from Ace)

And of course, the one that started it for me: The complaint against Michael Vick for 63 billion dollars. Ha! It alleges that Vick stole his dogs, sold them on eBay and then used the proceeds to buy missiles from Iran.

It's worth noting that Mr. Vick pledged his allegiance to al-Qaida, so you can't really be surprised by the dog-eBay-Iranian missile play. I mean, didn't we all see that one coming?

link via Girls Gone Sports

and certainly not least, the complaint against the Jewish Mossad, the CIA and Larry King Live which asserts that Larry King is a voodoo witch doctor.

Good Times.

Someone has got to interview this guy and see if he's really nuts or if he's just killin' time.

Another Video!!!

Great Line:
"Their lack of rhythm, it's affecting our crops."

Best Line:
"Some people are saying, that, in a hundred years, we'll be the minorities."(laughs)
via Right Wing News

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Friday, August 10, 2007

Matt Moore - The Future Looks Bright...

So I watched the pre-season Cowboys last night and took away one good thing:

I'm in serious like with Matt Moore - I really hope he is put on the roster.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

In Which We Find Trouble at the DMV

Actually in Texas, it's the DPS (Department of Public Safety).

So the Boyfriend is in the process of giving up his New York State identity to become a full-fledged Texan, and this morning it warranted a trip to the DPS to get a Texas Driver's License.

Had to make a few stops first, though. Before you can get a TX DL you have to get your truck registered in the state.

But, before you can have your truck registered in the state, you must have your truck inspected in the state.

Guess how many places we went before we figured this out???

Once we finally made it to the DPS, most of the morning had elapsed and the Boyfriend was in an awful mood. Standing in line for 30 minutes did not make it any better. In front of us was the smelly guy with 9 piercings on his face (I counted, I had the time) and behind us was the smelly lady with a mustache who kept licking her lips loudly. And I'm not just saying smelly to be mean. The pincushion guy smelled like stale cigarette smoke, and as he had been waiting in line for 1/2 and hour like us, he was also getting agitated and kept exhaling those big puffy breaths that let everyone know that you are just about done waiting. Oooooh - the stink!

The chubby lady behind us just had really bad B.O. Someone introduce her to a shower please!

So we finally get up to the counter and we have with us the proper form all filled out in black ink, the Boyfriend's valid NY State License, the copy of the TX registration, the copy of the TX inspection, a Social Security earnings statement (he's lost his card) and his valid Passport.

Guess what? No Social Security Card, no TX Driver's License. After all that other gov't issued crap with pictures and fingerprints and SS Numbers everywhere - no dice. She told us we had to go to the SS Administration (guess how long that line was???) and either order a new card or get a Social Security Verification form signed and notarized.

The Boyfriend does not want to be a Texan anymore.

I can't say I blame him.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

I Call Bullshit!

Why would I want a "feminine guy"? I'm already pretty feminine. Some wacky scientists in England say that women prefer feminine looking men as long-term partners rather than masculine looking men. WTF???

Here's an actual quote from the article:

Men with square jaws, larger noses and smaller eyes were classed as significantly more dominant, less faithful, worse parents and as having less warm personalities.

Well I'm sure glad that someone alerted me, because now I must get rid of my 6'2 square-jawed, large-honkered(is that a word?) boyfriend who I actually planned to marry and have children with!!

Who are the idiots coming up with this lame-ass crap about what's attractive? Are they the gay-looking effeminate dorks who spend their time in science labs or are they man-hating feminazi's who just happen to be straight.

I just don't get it. What woman wants to be with a man who is pretty?

Friday, July 27, 2007

Every morning I come to work and before I'm able to function in a money-making capacity, I must read the goings-on in the blogosphere. It's my routine, you see. And every morning I tell myself that I'm only going to read my one "news" page (the Drudge Report) and my 3 must-read's for the day (Instapundit, La Shawn Barber and Michelle Malkin, in that order). Then I tell myself that I'm going to close my browser and get busy. 2 hours later, I'm still going, clicking around the internet, obsessed with some story or another, wanting to see everyones take on it.

This morning I counted how many blogs are in my favorites folder - there are 50. I read probably half of them each day and I check Drudge and Instapundit all day for the updates. The truth is, I don't really start working until after I get back from lunch.

Oh, the guilty conscience!!! I beat myself up every night for not having the discipline to work a full day. But guess what? I'm doing far better at my job than ever before! I pondered this last night and I've come to the conclusion that each afternoon when I buckle down, I just become more efficient.

I had a job once working for an accounting firm in a secretarial/administrative capacity and I was told MORE THAN ONCE by the other support staff to slow down. I was told to stretch my assignments out all day, because if I didn't then I would be given more work and I would make the other support staff look bad. Well, I didn't want either thing to happen. So I learned to look like I was working. Remember the scene in Office Space where the guy tells the consultants, "I work just hard enough not to get fired". That, my friends is how it is.

Now, having my own office, and my own hours, it just hit me that I don't have to work all day from 8 to 5 and make it stretch. If my work only takes 4 straight hours to accomplish, then so be it.

It feels good.


Friday, July 20, 2007

It's Potter Time!!!!!!

I admit it - I am a Harry Potter fanatic!! I've spent the last week re-reading the books to get ready for the big day. I'm actually going to go get my reserved copy tomorrow morning rather than midnight tonight. If I were in high school, or college even, I might do the midnight thing, but for someone my age - it's a little gay.

I've been avoiding all Harry Potter-related websites like the plague because I don't want to spoil it. I also have a few theories as to what will happen and as I found myself ruminating (big word!) on said theories, I realized that in reading the final book I would be looking for validation and that might ruin the pure enjoyment of surprise as I turn each page.

So I'll try, unsuccessfully I'm sure, to not look for the answers to the BIG questions and just wait until it hits me in the face. The big question on my mind is, of course, is Snape good or evil? I've been going with good for the last year, but after reading the last book again yesterday, I'm not so sure. It would be a sad reflection upon Dumbledore to have been so wrong in him, but who knows? I also think that Malfoy and one of the Weasly's will be killed in the final book (Percy maybe?). I'll know tomorrow night. I can't wait!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Is Never Having to Enforce the Law;
Just Pass a New One
(and don't enforce that one either!)

Tony Snow says to the American People on behalf of the President "We heard you." Then he goes on to tell us "all that is going on with the bill". In effect he's saying, "Trust us. Look at all we're doing to put a really good smokescreen in place so it won't hurt so bad when we do what we want to do anyway."

Two things have to happen for me to even think about comtemplating if I might ever want to possibly accept this Administration's policy of instant Amnesty (I never will, but I might pretend to listen, just out of politeness)

From the President's June 8th radio address:

[W]e are now committing more resources than ever before to border security, doubling the number of Border Patrol agents, building hundreds of miles of fencing...
1) I don't care how many Border Patrol agents you put on the Border, they will be too afraid to do anything useful until they know they can do their job and be judged fairly. That WILL NOT happen until Agents Compean and Ramos are pardoned by President Bush.

He must do this because it is the right thing to do and he must work to restore faith among those of us who put our faith in him.

2) The asinine provision that probationary benefits are available within 24 hours of application must be taken out of the bill. This illustrates the unbelievable feeling of superiority that Members of Congress and the President are showing to their constituents. If that provision is in the bill, and stays in the bill, nothing else in the bill matters. Not. one. single. thing.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Amnesty Roundup

I have a few friends who don't keep up with politics like I do (not that I am in any way an expert) and have become very interested in the Crap-O-Rama that is the Amnesty for Aliens issue currently gripping our nation. So, on their behalf, I present a one-stop shopping list of websites, and blogs for the Amnesty virgin. Enjoy!

First and foremost go see Michelle Malkin's website. She is all over this! Not only does she know what she's talking about when it comes to the Amnesty issue, she is an insider who is privy to much that Joe America isn't aware of, and she not only alerts the public, but backs up her information by posting the documentation.

From her website you can fax your Senator and tell them what you think, or you can call the Amnesty hotline to get directly connected to your Senator's office.

Block out an hour or so and spend some time over there - she liveblogged the debates last week, and you can bet she'll liveblog the next round that we all expect to come around again this month.

Next, go on over to the Kausfiles. If you can't find it at Michelle's, Mickey will have it.

For the most comprehensive information on the problems caused by illegal aliens unlawfully residing in the U.S., go to Numbers USA. This site has loads of info from census figures to discussions on anchor babies and chain migration. (h/t again to Michelle. I found this site via her blog, and now go there every day!)

It also has a great roundup of the voting records of Congress. Lots and lots of information here!

Also, support this group. They are a group of Americans of Hispanic ancestry and they want the rest of America to know that the pro-illegal alien crowd does not speak for them. Support them any way you can!

Check out Rep. Tom Tancredo's (R-CO) site. He's an early opponent to Amnesty and has been fighting this issue for years. In case you weren't aware, he's running for President.

Lastly, see this page from Jeff Sessions (R-AL) website which details the 20 biggest loopholes in the Amnesty plan. (Since the plan is "not quite dead", it's important to know these loopholes and watch to see how many changes are made when it comes back to the Senate floor).

That should be plenty to get you Amnesty virgins started!

Sopranos - Much Ado About Nothing

Like most people last night, I thought my TV went out during the Sopranos. So today's backlash doesn't surprise me one bit. For me, the only highlight of last night was Phil Leotardo getting whacked and then run over. That and Agent Harris cheering about the hit.

I'm annoyed that there was no closure. I feel completely unsatisfied. What's going to happen to Silvio? What about AJ? He's done a 360 in about 4 weeks.

The boyfriend reminded me: When has a series finale ever lived up to the hype? True, but couldn't they have at least tried?

Sports Day

I'm gettin' my sports groove back, so here's a quick roundup of what went on this weekend - well, what I cared about following anyway.

Spurs win, but apparently, no one cares. Not even the Spurs fans.

(links via Deadspin)

Aggies are eliminated, but it was a surprise that they got this far in the first place this year.

The Yankees win one. Finally.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

The Big Criminals Helping the Little Criminals

I've been watching the Amnesty debate on C-Span, and to be honest, it's mind-numbing. I've never really spent time watching Congressional debates, and I confess, I keep getting a bit flummoxed. We all know that politicians are highly skilled at double-speak, but I admit, I'm a bit impressed.

Not in a good way.

(O/T - why is Trent Lott ass-kissing the Chappaquiddick killer?)

I'm doing better by reading Michelle Malkin's liveblogging posts, with her commentary.

What I see on the whole, is that the members of Congress really are Corrupt Criminals (well maybe not Jeff Sessions).

To me, this is meeting of the Mafia bigwigs sitting around the table dividing up the territories to parcel out to their illegal alien underlings.

I'm truly disgusted.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

A reply to Ted's comment...

Let me answer the second question first. There is conflict within Alex. (Short for Alexandra) I've decided it helps drive the story and makes infiltration easier to make Alex black. Because she's military and comes from an intact family w/ a military background, she is naturally of a conservative, patriotic bent. She will struggle with her "ethnic contemporaries". You know, the black conservative types that are seen as sellouts. Is she a sellout? Is she risking her life for a country that sees her as unequal?

She also struggles when she's undercover and away from home with pulling herself "out of submission" as it were and regaining her inner strength within herself. It's turning into a tug of war for her as she keeps her cover of a good Muslim woman, but tries to keep her sanity.

At this point I'm still working on her childhood. I want her to come from a stable, intact family, and one of the plot points I'm working on is where her intense drive to work in this manner for her country comes from. I wanted something in her childhood to trigger it. When I thought back to my childhood, I remembered writing letters to the hostages in Iran in grade school. After doing some research on the real hostages, I discovered that one of the hostages kept was a black military man. I may use this piece of non-fiction to structure Alex's parents. Having my father or a beloved uncle as one of those hostages would certainly give me a different outlook.

Friday, April 27, 2007

I should be embarrassed that something like this happens in my state.

Strangely, probably due to my Redneck gene, I'm not.

From Deadspin and You Been Blinded

I especially love this observation from Deadspin:

So much to work with here. First, the initial heckler was the guy's cousin. And then, when the guy starting firing buckshot, the player asked if anyone in the crowd had a gun ... and somebody did! Baseball's so much more fun in East Texas.

My Novel

I was asked what my novel was about. So without getting too much into it (I keep changing plot points anyway), it's essentially a contemporary intrigue/spy novel, a la Tom Clancy. The main character is a woman.

Basically she's a spy and following current events, instead of infiltrating the KGB like much of Clancy, she's infiltrating Muslim extremists by impersonating a devout Muslim woman.

She's turning into a very interesting character and I'm having fun devloping her history. One thing she will not have is superhuman strength - There won't be a lot of physical, ass-kicking combat on her part. I'm always annoyed by books and movies that give a 120lb woman the capability to immobilize a 200lb bad guy. She will be resorting to cleverness and feminine wiles. She will not be a tart. That's not to say there will be no physical fighting - she is an American-military trained operative.

There will be much Globe-trotting on her part, but so far the bulk of the story is set in Paris, with a bit in North Africa. I'm going back and forth on making this an actual CIA-sanctioned op, or Rogue Agent with a Score to Settle - I'll guess I'll just have to see what happens.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Someone fix the Hyperdrive on the Millineum Falcon...Quick!

Wow - It seems there may be a planet that could sustain life, just like Earth. (via Instapundit

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Green Musings

I think the current Global Warming schtick is a crock of shit. The reason I think this is that I just don't believe that scientists, or humans for that matter have collected enough data through the ages to support the theory. We humans just have not been around long enough, nor have we had the technology long enough to know what's REALLY going on.

On top of that, I believe that we humans, or we-humans-who-believe-in-global-warming, are giving humankind WAY too much credit. To say that we're killing the planet and that we must save it, is extremely narcisscistic in my humble opinion. It may be true that we are contributing to climate change, but my bullshit detector tells me its not on the scale that the eco-nuts are telling us.

I believe that its all really a cycle. The Earth is organic, and like all organic things, it is born, or created, it grows, it matures, and it dies. I believe that no matter what mankind does to hurt the planet, or to try to save the planet - it won't matter. It's going to die someday. That being said:

I don't advocate doing all we can to try to ruin the planet, but let's use some common sense people! Most scientific advancements have improved the quality of life for humans; from the 2-ply TP to the MRI machine at the hospital. There are plenty of ways to minimize output - and they're cost saving.

In the spring and fall, open windows instead of running the a/c, or light a fire instead of running the heater. Use candles with hurricane glasses on the back porch instead of installing more light fixtures. Do what ALL our mom's did and reuse aluminum foil, etc. That's plain common sense, and each family can do what suits it best - many probably already do because there's an added bonus of saving money.

On the other hand, don't buy extra expensive light bulbs that do something good for the environment, just turn on the lights only when needed. Don't spend extra money on a lush lawn if you live where water is scarce - xeriscape. Use wash cloths and cloth napkins in place of paper towels and paper napkins. If none of these suit you, then don't. It's your choice.

But on no account should you deprive yourself of modern conveniences that have made the world better, like an SUV for the family vacation, and on no account should you walk around with a stinky butt. You go right on ahead and use as many squares of TP you need to get your rear end clean - and don't feel guilty about it.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Jumping on the Virginia Tech Bandwagon

Many times, when I'm reading blogs, I don't post because everyone else is already posting, and I usually echo the sentiments of the blogs I read. Hmmm. Maybe I should read more leftie blogs and fire off a response post. But I just have to post something about the VA Tech murders after reading post after post and comment after comment.

Here is the article that Glenn Reynolds wrote in the NY Daily News (linked to from Instapundit) and here is the WSJ commentary from David Kopel (also from Instapundit). And lastly, from La Shawn Barber is this commentary.

All state the fundamental truth that when you ban guns, only criminals and those with criminal intent will have them, since breaking the law is requisite to criminality.

As for myself, although I'm not a handgun owner, I am a rifle and shotgun owner. I have seriously thought about purchasing a handgun since I live alone and I also travel alone (by car). One reason I've never purchased a handgun and gotten the CCL to go with it, is because I've been told that it's illegal to carry a loaded pistol across state lines. And that it is also illegal to have a loaded pistol in your vehicle, even while driving inside my state. I honestly do not know if these statements are accurate.

I will be finding out, though, as I will be purchasing a handgun forthwith and obtaining a CCL. In addition, I will be consciously breaking each and every law I can when I come near a sign that says "gun-free zone". I'll still be packing. And I'll happily pay the fine or sit my butt in jail if I get caught. Not only that, I'll be driving across state lines with my new friend without a second thought.

Why bother having a weapon to defend yourself if you're not allowed anywhere with it?

I suppose it's my version of civil disobedience.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

I just really don't care what Don Imus said. I've always thought he was an idiot anyway. It just goes to show that the old saying is true - it's better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are a fool than to open it and prove them right.

To the Rutger's girls - I've seen nappy headed ho's - and y'all don't look like nappy headed ho's to me. Guess what? Don Imus is a has been (to me, he's a never-was). Just say to the media that he has the freedom to make himself look like a complete idiot and y'all can't be bothered with him. You girls know you're not nappy headed ho's - you're educated women and outstanding athletes. So don't let some aging 'tard bring you down. Rise above and tell the world that you forgive him, because in the end, you girls are ladies who know your own worth.

To Don Imus - You are out of touch with reality, and you've overstayed your welcome at the party. If you really are sorry for saying something that really made no sense anyway, and if you meant it when you apologized, then hopefully the hurt party will accept it. YOU ARE BEHOLDEN TO NO ONE ELSE. Meeting with Al Sharpton was stupid - he's not a spokesman for the majority of the Black community. He's not a good person. I think most Americans would have had more respect for you if you just apologized to those girls personally and then moved on and not caved into the tired path of apologize, meet with Designated Victim Spokesperson and then go to rehab. MSNBC has the right to fire you if they choose, just as you have the right to say what you want. It's what makes the world go round. You reap what you sow.

To the Designated Victim Spokespersons (Sharpton, Jackson, et al) - Please die a slow and painful death. You are a blight upon society.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

This really pisses me off. I find myself more and more not being happy with Mexicans.

I know that all illegal aliens are not of Mexican descent. I also know that a lot of the American citizens in my neck of the woods who are of Mexican descent have been in this country longer than my ancestors. As a matter of fact, many in this area have ancestors that fought on the Texas side in the Texas War for Independence. Most of these folks are way more patriotic than your basic Democrat (yes, yes, I know I'm stereotyping, but I can do what I want on my blog)

I used to think it was kinda cool that we had a little Mexican subculture here. There is much to love about the culture. The food, the music, the slower way of life (my way of life - I love siesta time).

But as I become more and more aggravated with the pandering and catering to illegal aliens, I find myself taking it out on the Mexicans. I know this is not fair. But there it is. I'm not the only one, either. This little transference phenomenon is happening in a lot of places and to a lot of people that used to be like me.

It seems that the only thing that might stem this tide is for resident aliens, naturalized citizens and possibly Americans whose ancestors came from Mexico or other countries South of the Border to band together, like these folks, and stand up for the Rule of Law, which does not include amnesty and which does include enforcing the laws on the books!

Maybe I'm just insane...

it's a thought.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

well i'm making it monthly

I've been writing a lot lately - just not here. I think it's because I don't keep a computer at home. I keep my computer at my office, and, while I'm in business for myself and can pretty much do as I please, I feel guilty trying to blog during working hours - so I don't do it. Plus, I've been writing a novel and I'm really pumped and have been writing non-stop the last three weeks when I'm home.

I write freehand because sitting in front of a computer gives me writer's block - I think it's mental. However - I really want to continue to try to blog - just - nothing interests me right now and I haven't found a narrow enough subject to focus this blog on.

Thank goodness no one really reads this - I can play around until I find the thing that I must write about...

Friday, March 02, 2007

When exactly did the Constitution and the Bill of Rights get hijacked? I've been reading the article regarding the CBS poll that most Americans want a universal healthcare system. How is this possible? While I don't put a lot faith in polls - I do know that there is always some truth to it.

We are in a nanny state already and universal health care is just one more step closer to socialism. Where have all the independent-minded Americans gone? The role of government in a society is to provide for the basic defense of it's citizens and then let the people do the rest.

Although people in this country today may disagree, health care is not a right, nor should it be provided by the federal government.

This country is going to Hell in a Handbasket.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

If you can't beat 'em...

I've decided that since the illegals are here to stay and el governiemiento de los estados unidos will not make them va-moose, well I'll start assimilating. You can too - just click the link!

Your Mexican Name Is...

Doña Thalia

Friday, February 23, 2007

My new favorite blog

And the winner is...

The Assimilated Negro

I spent about two hours yesterday reading his site - and laughing my butt off. By and large the best two hours of workplace productivity enhancers* I've come across in, well, forever.

(used without permission from Dave)

My Reading List

I love to read. I'm mean I realllllly love it. Sometimes I'll skip a whole day of work just because I MUST finish a book. It is a problem. I wonder if it qualifies as an addiction. Hmmmm.

The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Addiction includes the 12 symptoms listed below:

Uncontrolled cravings - check - I must have it!
Obsessive thought about the addiction - Check - I should be working - instead I'm obsessing about my books. A vicious cycle.
Energy focused on the addiction - Check - If only I could focus this much at work - I'd be rich!!
Absenteeism - Check - Thank God I'm self-employed!
School truancy - When I was in school... Most definately CHECK!
Nasal congestion - hmmm - not so much
Eye changes - Yessir - Got reading glasses last year - barely 30 years old. Check.
Glassy eyes - see above
Behavioral changes - Well, I get real grumpy when a book ends badly. Check.
Hyperactivity - not quite
Fatigue - and then some. I've been known to stay awake all night to read an entire Harry Potter book from start to finish. Sad. Check.
Over-spending money - I can't resist the Borders' sales - Buy two, get one free! What a bargain. At least $50.00 every time I go in there. Check.

So out of all these, only 2 symptons don't qualify. Yes, I'd say I have an addiction. Well, that kinda blows.

So here's a list of what I'm reading:

The Federalist Papers - I've made a commitment to balance my reading list with as many classics as possible. I don't know if this qualifies as a classic, but I was getting a little bored with classic fiction, so I thought that this would be a nice change. I intend on reading The Art of War next for my "classical education"

The Four Agreements - not too sure about this one. It's a little weird. I'm not really into self help books, but it was on the sale rack and apparently spent a bunch of time on the bestsellers list. It's a little funky. I keep putting it down with thoughts of "bite me". Not very helpful.

The Pale Horseman - If you don't read Bernard Cornwell then you are a moron. There, I said it.

I'm Having a Love Fest with this Kid!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I'm Back!

So I'm finally back from hiatus. What a couple of months it's been - not even gonna go there. Just gonna start fresh like it's January 1! Yay!