Friday, April 27, 2007

I should be embarrassed that something like this happens in my state.

Strangely, probably due to my Redneck gene, I'm not.

From Deadspin and You Been Blinded

I especially love this observation from Deadspin:

So much to work with here. First, the initial heckler was the guy's cousin. And then, when the guy starting firing buckshot, the player asked if anyone in the crowd had a gun ... and somebody did! Baseball's so much more fun in East Texas.

My Novel

I was asked what my novel was about. So without getting too much into it (I keep changing plot points anyway), it's essentially a contemporary intrigue/spy novel, a la Tom Clancy. The main character is a woman.

Basically she's a spy and following current events, instead of infiltrating the KGB like much of Clancy, she's infiltrating Muslim extremists by impersonating a devout Muslim woman.

She's turning into a very interesting character and I'm having fun devloping her history. One thing she will not have is superhuman strength - There won't be a lot of physical, ass-kicking combat on her part. I'm always annoyed by books and movies that give a 120lb woman the capability to immobilize a 200lb bad guy. She will be resorting to cleverness and feminine wiles. She will not be a tart. That's not to say there will be no physical fighting - she is an American-military trained operative.

There will be much Globe-trotting on her part, but so far the bulk of the story is set in Paris, with a bit in North Africa. I'm going back and forth on making this an actual CIA-sanctioned op, or Rogue Agent with a Score to Settle - I'll guess I'll just have to see what happens.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Someone fix the Hyperdrive on the Millineum Falcon...Quick!

Wow - It seems there may be a planet that could sustain life, just like Earth. (via Instapundit

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Green Musings

I think the current Global Warming schtick is a crock of shit. The reason I think this is that I just don't believe that scientists, or humans for that matter have collected enough data through the ages to support the theory. We humans just have not been around long enough, nor have we had the technology long enough to know what's REALLY going on.

On top of that, I believe that we humans, or we-humans-who-believe-in-global-warming, are giving humankind WAY too much credit. To say that we're killing the planet and that we must save it, is extremely narcisscistic in my humble opinion. It may be true that we are contributing to climate change, but my bullshit detector tells me its not on the scale that the eco-nuts are telling us.

I believe that its all really a cycle. The Earth is organic, and like all organic things, it is born, or created, it grows, it matures, and it dies. I believe that no matter what mankind does to hurt the planet, or to try to save the planet - it won't matter. It's going to die someday. That being said:

I don't advocate doing all we can to try to ruin the planet, but let's use some common sense people! Most scientific advancements have improved the quality of life for humans; from the 2-ply TP to the MRI machine at the hospital. There are plenty of ways to minimize output - and they're cost saving.

In the spring and fall, open windows instead of running the a/c, or light a fire instead of running the heater. Use candles with hurricane glasses on the back porch instead of installing more light fixtures. Do what ALL our mom's did and reuse aluminum foil, etc. That's plain common sense, and each family can do what suits it best - many probably already do because there's an added bonus of saving money.

On the other hand, don't buy extra expensive light bulbs that do something good for the environment, just turn on the lights only when needed. Don't spend extra money on a lush lawn if you live where water is scarce - xeriscape. Use wash cloths and cloth napkins in place of paper towels and paper napkins. If none of these suit you, then don't. It's your choice.

But on no account should you deprive yourself of modern conveniences that have made the world better, like an SUV for the family vacation, and on no account should you walk around with a stinky butt. You go right on ahead and use as many squares of TP you need to get your rear end clean - and don't feel guilty about it.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Jumping on the Virginia Tech Bandwagon

Many times, when I'm reading blogs, I don't post because everyone else is already posting, and I usually echo the sentiments of the blogs I read. Hmmm. Maybe I should read more leftie blogs and fire off a response post. But I just have to post something about the VA Tech murders after reading post after post and comment after comment.

Here is the article that Glenn Reynolds wrote in the NY Daily News (linked to from Instapundit) and here is the WSJ commentary from David Kopel (also from Instapundit). And lastly, from La Shawn Barber is this commentary.

All state the fundamental truth that when you ban guns, only criminals and those with criminal intent will have them, since breaking the law is requisite to criminality.

As for myself, although I'm not a handgun owner, I am a rifle and shotgun owner. I have seriously thought about purchasing a handgun since I live alone and I also travel alone (by car). One reason I've never purchased a handgun and gotten the CCL to go with it, is because I've been told that it's illegal to carry a loaded pistol across state lines. And that it is also illegal to have a loaded pistol in your vehicle, even while driving inside my state. I honestly do not know if these statements are accurate.

I will be finding out, though, as I will be purchasing a handgun forthwith and obtaining a CCL. In addition, I will be consciously breaking each and every law I can when I come near a sign that says "gun-free zone". I'll still be packing. And I'll happily pay the fine or sit my butt in jail if I get caught. Not only that, I'll be driving across state lines with my new friend without a second thought.

Why bother having a weapon to defend yourself if you're not allowed anywhere with it?

I suppose it's my version of civil disobedience.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

I just really don't care what Don Imus said. I've always thought he was an idiot anyway. It just goes to show that the old saying is true - it's better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are a fool than to open it and prove them right.

To the Rutger's girls - I've seen nappy headed ho's - and y'all don't look like nappy headed ho's to me. Guess what? Don Imus is a has been (to me, he's a never-was). Just say to the media that he has the freedom to make himself look like a complete idiot and y'all can't be bothered with him. You girls know you're not nappy headed ho's - you're educated women and outstanding athletes. So don't let some aging 'tard bring you down. Rise above and tell the world that you forgive him, because in the end, you girls are ladies who know your own worth.

To Don Imus - You are out of touch with reality, and you've overstayed your welcome at the party. If you really are sorry for saying something that really made no sense anyway, and if you meant it when you apologized, then hopefully the hurt party will accept it. YOU ARE BEHOLDEN TO NO ONE ELSE. Meeting with Al Sharpton was stupid - he's not a spokesman for the majority of the Black community. He's not a good person. I think most Americans would have had more respect for you if you just apologized to those girls personally and then moved on and not caved into the tired path of apologize, meet with Designated Victim Spokesperson and then go to rehab. MSNBC has the right to fire you if they choose, just as you have the right to say what you want. It's what makes the world go round. You reap what you sow.

To the Designated Victim Spokespersons (Sharpton, Jackson, et al) - Please die a slow and painful death. You are a blight upon society.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

This really pisses me off. I find myself more and more not being happy with Mexicans.

I know that all illegal aliens are not of Mexican descent. I also know that a lot of the American citizens in my neck of the woods who are of Mexican descent have been in this country longer than my ancestors. As a matter of fact, many in this area have ancestors that fought on the Texas side in the Texas War for Independence. Most of these folks are way more patriotic than your basic Democrat (yes, yes, I know I'm stereotyping, but I can do what I want on my blog)

I used to think it was kinda cool that we had a little Mexican subculture here. There is much to love about the culture. The food, the music, the slower way of life (my way of life - I love siesta time).

But as I become more and more aggravated with the pandering and catering to illegal aliens, I find myself taking it out on the Mexicans. I know this is not fair. But there it is. I'm not the only one, either. This little transference phenomenon is happening in a lot of places and to a lot of people that used to be like me.

It seems that the only thing that might stem this tide is for resident aliens, naturalized citizens and possibly Americans whose ancestors came from Mexico or other countries South of the Border to band together, like these folks, and stand up for the Rule of Law, which does not include amnesty and which does include enforcing the laws on the books!

Maybe I'm just insane...

it's a thought.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

well i'm making it monthly

I've been writing a lot lately - just not here. I think it's because I don't keep a computer at home. I keep my computer at my office, and, while I'm in business for myself and can pretty much do as I please, I feel guilty trying to blog during working hours - so I don't do it. Plus, I've been writing a novel and I'm really pumped and have been writing non-stop the last three weeks when I'm home.

I write freehand because sitting in front of a computer gives me writer's block - I think it's mental. However - I really want to continue to try to blog - just - nothing interests me right now and I haven't found a narrow enough subject to focus this blog on.

Thank goodness no one really reads this - I can play around until I find the thing that I must write about...