Thursday, June 07, 2007

The Big Criminals Helping the Little Criminals

I've been watching the Amnesty debate on C-Span, and to be honest, it's mind-numbing. I've never really spent time watching Congressional debates, and I confess, I keep getting a bit flummoxed. We all know that politicians are highly skilled at double-speak, but I admit, I'm a bit impressed.

Not in a good way.

(O/T - why is Trent Lott ass-kissing the Chappaquiddick killer?)

I'm doing better by reading Michelle Malkin's liveblogging posts, with her commentary.

What I see on the whole, is that the members of Congress really are Corrupt Criminals (well maybe not Jeff Sessions).

To me, this is meeting of the Mafia bigwigs sitting around the table dividing up the territories to parcel out to their illegal alien underlings.

I'm truly disgusted.

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