Friday, July 20, 2007

It's Potter Time!!!!!!

I admit it - I am a Harry Potter fanatic!! I've spent the last week re-reading the books to get ready for the big day. I'm actually going to go get my reserved copy tomorrow morning rather than midnight tonight. If I were in high school, or college even, I might do the midnight thing, but for someone my age - it's a little gay.

I've been avoiding all Harry Potter-related websites like the plague because I don't want to spoil it. I also have a few theories as to what will happen and as I found myself ruminating (big word!) on said theories, I realized that in reading the final book I would be looking for validation and that might ruin the pure enjoyment of surprise as I turn each page.

So I'll try, unsuccessfully I'm sure, to not look for the answers to the BIG questions and just wait until it hits me in the face. The big question on my mind is, of course, is Snape good or evil? I've been going with good for the last year, but after reading the last book again yesterday, I'm not so sure. It would be a sad reflection upon Dumbledore to have been so wrong in him, but who knows? I also think that Malfoy and one of the Weasly's will be killed in the final book (Percy maybe?). I'll know tomorrow night. I can't wait!!!!!!

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