Tuesday, December 05, 2006

And I'm back from the hunting trip, where I'm pleased to announce the death and imminent consumption of one 8 point buck. Yay me! (It's my first)

So that you know how cool I am, here's the specifics:
1) No, I did not sit in a blind.
2) Yes, I did freeze my ass off sitting on the ground (the West Tx desert has no trees for tree stands)
3) Yes, there was a feeder (ok, so I got a little help)
4) Yes, I used a bipod (well, I'm delicate, and the big ol' gun was too heavy for little ol' me)
5) The rifle used was a Browning .243 (so sweeeeet)
6) I dropped the old boy from 252 yards! (yay me again!)

The boyfriend was very proud of me, he was of course sitting with me when I made the shot (we don't need to discuss the one he missed).

I am a bit disconcerted however, that he actually thinks we're going to grill the backstraps tonight. Silly goose. The only way to eat backstrap, as every God-fearing Texan knows, is chicken-fried. That's what I get for loving a New Yorker.

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