Monday, December 11, 2006

Tom Cruise Sucks Ass

I think this is true. It must be, because it's what I do. I go out of my way not to see certain movies because of the actors or actresses. That doesn't mean I won't watch when it hits the movie channels. Movie stars I go out of my way to avoid: Tom Cruise, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Alec Baldwin, Susan Sarandon.

Movies I've gone out of my way to avoid: Brokeback Mountain (it's on the movie channels right now, and I cringe every time I see the title), Syriana, The Deer Hunter (my dad said it's the only movie that really disturbed him, and now I'm afraid to watch it.)

I think the Michael Moore movies go without saying.

I tried to watch Gigli, and Mr. & Mrs. Smith, and Fun With Dick and Jane, but they all sucked within the first 15 minutes so I had to turn the dial.

Good entertaining movies really seem to be going the way of the dinosaur...

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