Monday, November 13, 2006

From Drudge, this article on fighting illegal immigration at the local level.

Of course the article is biased. It starts off saying that Farmer's Branch wants to keep out illegal immigrants and then mentions the percentage of Hispanics in Farmer's Branch adding that this town is "where many Latino families can trace their roots here to the era before statehood."

Of course, this is designed to make you think that the people are tired of Hispanics living there and want them out. You're supposed to equate Hispanic with Illegal with Racism.

Then they quote this idiot Cesar Perales from Puerto Rican Legal Defense:

"It's basically saying those people are illegal in their very nature; it is all right to be against them because they are lawbreakers. Many people are assuming that all immigrants are lawbreakers, and that people who are different, who speak a different language, are to be shunned," said Cesar Perales, president and general counsel of the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund.

Anyone with half a brain knows that immigrants aren't necessarily lawbreakers. But all Illegal Immigrants or Illegal Aliens as I choose to call them are lawbreakers from the start. This guy is a butthead.

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