Tuesday, April 10, 2007

This really pisses me off. I find myself more and more not being happy with Mexicans.

I know that all illegal aliens are not of Mexican descent. I also know that a lot of the American citizens in my neck of the woods who are of Mexican descent have been in this country longer than my ancestors. As a matter of fact, many in this area have ancestors that fought on the Texas side in the Texas War for Independence. Most of these folks are way more patriotic than your basic Democrat (yes, yes, I know I'm stereotyping, but I can do what I want on my blog)

I used to think it was kinda cool that we had a little Mexican subculture here. There is much to love about the culture. The food, the music, the slower way of life (my way of life - I love siesta time).

But as I become more and more aggravated with the pandering and catering to illegal aliens, I find myself taking it out on the Mexicans. I know this is not fair. But there it is. I'm not the only one, either. This little transference phenomenon is happening in a lot of places and to a lot of people that used to be like me.

It seems that the only thing that might stem this tide is for resident aliens, naturalized citizens and possibly Americans whose ancestors came from Mexico or other countries South of the Border to band together, like these folks, and stand up for the Rule of Law, which does not include amnesty and which does include enforcing the laws on the books!

Maybe I'm just insane...

it's a thought.

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