Thursday, April 12, 2007

I just really don't care what Don Imus said. I've always thought he was an idiot anyway. It just goes to show that the old saying is true - it's better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are a fool than to open it and prove them right.

To the Rutger's girls - I've seen nappy headed ho's - and y'all don't look like nappy headed ho's to me. Guess what? Don Imus is a has been (to me, he's a never-was). Just say to the media that he has the freedom to make himself look like a complete idiot and y'all can't be bothered with him. You girls know you're not nappy headed ho's - you're educated women and outstanding athletes. So don't let some aging 'tard bring you down. Rise above and tell the world that you forgive him, because in the end, you girls are ladies who know your own worth.

To Don Imus - You are out of touch with reality, and you've overstayed your welcome at the party. If you really are sorry for saying something that really made no sense anyway, and if you meant it when you apologized, then hopefully the hurt party will accept it. YOU ARE BEHOLDEN TO NO ONE ELSE. Meeting with Al Sharpton was stupid - he's not a spokesman for the majority of the Black community. He's not a good person. I think most Americans would have had more respect for you if you just apologized to those girls personally and then moved on and not caved into the tired path of apologize, meet with Designated Victim Spokesperson and then go to rehab. MSNBC has the right to fire you if they choose, just as you have the right to say what you want. It's what makes the world go round. You reap what you sow.

To the Designated Victim Spokespersons (Sharpton, Jackson, et al) - Please die a slow and painful death. You are a blight upon society.

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