Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Someone Call LULAC

So Justice Scalia questions whether a deported Mexican national would violate his probation by drinking tequila. I know that the PC police are pissy because Justice Scalia assumed that the messy-can would naturally drink tequila, but what I don't get, and maybe I'm just the idiot picking his nose, but why does a Mexican National have "US parole terms" in the first place.

I don't know the whole story I guess. But what is clear to me, is that we are not talking about an American citizen - native or naturalized. This guy is either a resident alien, here on a visa, or here illegally (my money on the latter). Both guys were convicted on drug charges. COCAINE drug charges. So they're deported, right?

If it was an American citizen, he should be tried and sentenced (and then he'll appeal ad nauseum), but we're not talking about American citizens. How is this even a case for the Supreme Court?

See what HotAir has to say on the subject.

and check out the annoyed commenters on alcohol racism.

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