Friday, October 12, 2007

It's Friday! And as I'm still not really in the mood to blog about VERY IMPORTANT issues of our time such as:

The Goracle winning the Nobel Pissing Contest Prize
More Bullshit from the Open Borders Crowd
or even
Britney Spears

I will continue on with my football freakiness and talk about that! So there.

I cannot wait for the smackdown tomorrow at 2:30 on ABC (but only if you're in a redstate... booyah!)

A&M will be visiting the Classless Clowns at Tortilla Tech to try and hold on to our first place spot in the Big 12 South, not to mention get our FIRST win in Lubbock since 1993. Do you realize I was a student at A&M the last time we won in Lubbock? Sad.

t.u. will be up against the 1-5 Iowa State Cyclones. Although it goes without saying that I want Iowa State to win, I won't be holding my breath. I didn't even remember that Iowa State was in the Big 12.

As for our AP top 5 undefeated teams: meh. I only care about A&M getting into the top 25 again. I will say this, though. I hope they all lose, just because I'm going for whatever underdog is up against these teams. Well, that's not totally true. Since A&M has no chance whatsoever, I'm rooting for LSU to make it to the Big One. I have some nostalgia for them left over from college. Back when we were the SWC, we used to open against LSU every year. I don't dislike them at all. So I root for LSU over the others.

As for the NFL, just for shits and giggles, here are my picks for our football pool:

St. Louis
Tampa Bay
San Diego
New Orleans

You see, many of these teams are 0-5 and I think this is a week of upsets. The boyfriend, not so much. Here are his picks:

St. Louis
Green Bay
New England (what a douchebag!)
New York

We actually only bet on Chicago and Philly in our pool (I cannot beging to describe the shame that I feel betting on Philly, since they are the anti-Christ, but people, this is for real money. So anti-Christ be dammed!)

However, as reported before, the boyfriend and I have money on the Dreamboat Quarterback Contest featuring the Oh-S0 Hot and Future Father of my Children, Tony Romo, and the Supermodel Sperm Bank, Tom Brady. My money is on Romo and America's Team.

Just for the record, I am a Patriot's fan, and any other time, I would be rooting for them. But you know, Any Given Sunday and all that.

I will be eating the Hot Beef Dip from Ladies... - looks pretty yummy!!

See you all next week when we'll all be acting like Monday Morning Quarterbacks!

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