Thursday, October 11, 2007

There is so much going on in the news and the blogosphere, that I don't even know what to write about!

Should I write about my righteous indignation stemming from the war over NASCAR cooties? (I love the title "NASCAR cooties!")

Or about the complete and total douchebag who is suing a family over a puddle on the floor?

I tried to get pissed off about the Texas Tech Vick 'em T-shirts, given that the Red Raider fans have zero class and I am an Aggie, but both my Aggie sister and Aggie boyfriend thought it was funny. Does that mean that I'm over-reacting, or are they devoid of feeling? And besides, I read that the Texas Tech administration had banned the t-shirts.

I could write about Ann Coulter's idiotic rant about how Christians want to perfect the Jews, but I didn't totally get where she was coming from... so I'd sound like an idiot myself.

Update: Just reported on Fox News that the Douchebag cop is dropping her lawsuit. So, one less thing to worry about...

So instead, I will write about the thing most on my mind these days: Tony Romo.

My love for Tony Romo knows no bounds.

Unless he loses to New England on Sunday. I have a serious monetary bet on this game with the boyfriend. I will never hear the end of it if the 'boys sustain their first loss of the season.

So for my love of Tony Romo, here is a link to always wonderful Ladies... with yesterday's Hump Day Hottie... none other than Tony Romo!!!

Just a taste of him rockin' that football jersey...

I love this picture because I like his haircut. I love the really short hair on men. I'm weird that way.

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